January 21st City Council Meeting and Funding Opportunities Workshop
Items include a workshop over financing options for large projects and finalizing the sale of city property near the railroad. 👏
Below are important items for the council meeting and workshop on Tuesday, January 21st. The full agenda can be found here. My opinions are in italic. Any errors are my own and not that of the city.
Funding Opportunities Workshop at 4:00 PM
There will be a presentation by Government Capital to discuss funding options such as Certificates of Obligation, which don’t require voter approval, and General Obligation bonds, which do require voter approval. Options could be used for large capital projects such as smart water meters, purchasing paving equipment, or replacing water and wastewater infrastructure.
City Council Meeting at 5:30 PM
Updates from the Alpine Country Club, Alpine Volunteer Fire Department, and Emergent Air. [M. Antrim]. Feral hogs recently caused $6,000 dollars in damage to the golf course by digging up fairways and greens. The course is working to repair damage in order to be ready for the Spring tournament season.
City Manager 2024 End of Year Report [M. Antrim]. The city manager will show a presentation with annual accomplishments of city departments. There is data from the police, animals, water, gas, and other departments.
Approve Ordinance 2024-11-01, an ordinance authorizing the vacation, abandonment, and sale of the unimproved portions of the property below [M. Antrim]. Council will discuss the second and final reading concerning the sale of land in the highlighted red sections below. The city property was to be used for infrastructure if the land was developed. After researching more I learned this entire area is zoned R2 - which is the same as the property being sold; meaning there could be no material difference if it is developed. Both R1, single-family homes, and R2 zones have a required lot minimum size of 7,000 square feet.
Quick Notes on this Agenda
Council will discuss supporting a resolution from Coalition Against Bigger Trucks, a lobbying arm against allowing heavier trucks on roads. They are based out of Alexandria, Virginia.
Discussion on approving recent updates to the Parks and Recreation Chapter 74, In General ordinance. The parks board recently met with the police chief, going over updates for this ordinance.
Council will approve Order 2025-01-01 which orders a May 3rd, 2025 election for the city council positions in Ward 1 (currently Reagan Stone) and Ward 3 (currently Darin Nance). If interested in running please reach out to Geo Calderon, the city secretary.